How does registering an account with Covenant Eyes benefits customers?
Unlock a plethora of benefits by creating an account on Covenant Eyes's website. Not only can you personalize your experience and preferences, but you also gain access to exclusive discounts, special offers, and personalized recommendations tailored to your needs and usage patterns. Sign up today and enhance your online safety journey with Covenant Eyes.
Does Covenant Eyes offer Money-back guarantee?
Rest assured with Covenant Eyes's 30-days money-back guarantee, providing you ample time to evaluate and experience their services risk-free. If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, simply request a refund within 30 days of purchase, ensuring your peace of mind and satisfaction with your investment.
How often does Covenant Eyes offer discounts?
Covenant Eyes regularly offers discounts and promotions to its customers, providing opportunities to save money on their valuable services. Keep an eye out for frequent discounts and special offers, ensuring you can safeguard your online experience without breaking the bank. Stay vigilant for regular opportunities to maximize your savings with Covenant Eyes.
What benefits comes with signing up for newsletter at Covenant Eyes?
Stay in the loop with Covenant Eyes's latest news and promotions by signing up for their newsletter. Receive timely updates, exclusive deals, and insider information delivered directly to your inbox, ensuring you never miss out on an opportunity to save money and enhance your online safety journey with Covenant Eyes.
How do you uninstall your Covenant Eyes?
Sometimes, whether you're having technical issues or you wish to cancel your account, you may need to uninstall Covenant Eyes. Please note that uninstalling Covenant Eyes does not cancel your account. If you wish to cancel your account, please contact Customer Support at 877.479.1119.
How do you refresh Covenant Eyes?
After making changes to Covenant Eyes settings (such as updating Filter settings), you may be asked to refresh Covenant Eyes.