How long do Johnston & Murphy's sales usually last?
The duration of Johnston & Murphy's sales can vary. Some sales may last for a few days, while others extend over several weeks. It's best to check the sale details or sign up for their newsletter to stay informed about ongoing promotions.
What is the size information of women's clothing in Johnston and Murphy?
Johnston and Murphy will provide two size reference tables for women's clothing. Customers can choose to refer to different body parts for size information, such as breasts, waist and hips. Customers can also refer to conversion information for different country sizes, such as Japan, Australia, etc.
Can I use multiple coupon codes on
Unfortunately, Johnston & Murphy generally allows only one coupon code per order. However, it's always worth checking the terms and conditions of the specific promotion to be sure.
Can I return or exchange items purchased during a sale?
Yes, you can usually return or exchange items purchased during a sale at Johnston & Murphy. However, it's essential to review the brand's return policy and any specific terms associated with sale items.
Is there a minimum spending requirement to earn rewards points?
Johnston & Murphy's rewards program may have a minimum spending requirement to earn points. The specifics can vary, so it's advisable to review the program details or contact customer support for precise information.
How many ways does Johnston and Murphy deliver goods?
There are three delivery modes provided by the Johnston and Murphy for customers, namely Standard Ground Shipping, FedEx 2Day Air and Next Day Air. No delivery charge will be charged for all orders shipped in standard mode, and customers can check the rates for the remaining two delivery modes on the website.
What are the details of Johnston and Murphy's traditional gift card?
Customers who choose to buy a traditional type of gift card from the company can choose from a range of 25-500 pounds. Johnston and Murphy will provide free land transportation for traditional gift cards purchased by customers and customers can receive gift vouchers for channel express transportation within 2 days.
Will Johnston and Murphy guide me to take care of my shoes?
Yes. Johnston and Murphy provides customers with the care guide of different materials of shoes on the website, and customers can click the corresponding video to view according to the classification. Customers can prepare the care equipment they need according to the instructions in the video.