Does Pura Vida offer any discounts on their products?
Yes, Pura Vida frequently offers discounts on their products. Customers can often find deals such as percentage discounts or buy one get one offers on their website. It's a great way to save on their trendy and stylish accessories.
Can I find exclusive Pura Vida discounts and promo codes on Reddit?
No, Pura Vida does not offer exclusive discounts or promo codes on Reddit. However, customers can find ongoing promotions and sales on the Pura Vida website and social media channels.
Are there any discounts available at Pura Vida?
Yes, Pura Vida offers up to 50% off sitewide, allowing customers to enjoy significant savings on their purchases. Customers can find discounted items across various categories, including jewelry, accessories, and apparel.
Does Pura Vida offer any discounts for first-time shoppers?
Yes, Pura Vida offers a 20% discount on your first order when you sign up for their email or SMS list. This is a great way to save on your first purchase of their unique and stylish bracelets and jewelry.
Does Pura Vida offer Student Discount?
Yes, they do. You could unlock 20% student discount at Pura Vida with Student Beans. When you get Pura Vida student discount code at the checkout, you will immediately enjoy 20% off your order of $35+.
How long does shipping take?
All Pura Vida packages are shipped from San Diego, California, and delivery times will vary based on your proximity to the city. Typical shipping windows are: Standard shipping: 2-4 business days; International shipping: 10-15 business days. P.S. This doesn't include the normal 24-48 hours of warehouse processing time.
Can I cancel my Pura Vida Monthly Club subscription?
Of course you can! To cancel before the next month processes, make sure to call or email Pura Vida before the 7th of the month, when all Monthly Club orders are processed. Want to pause your subscription instead of cancel? You can do that as often as you'd like, at no additional charge! Just contact Pura Vida to let them know you want to skip that month's pack or log into your account. And if your order's already on the way and you still want to cancel, reach out to Pura Vida and they'll try our hardest to come up with a solution.
Where is my order?
Check your inbox for a shipping confirmation email, which includes a link to track your Pura Vida package. Still can't find it? Just pop in your email address and order number here, and Pura Vida will give you all the details on where your package is and when it's expected to arrive. You can also check your order status by logging into your account.